Clothes in vintage style

Handmade swing skirts for every occasion and every size!

Swing skirt with Flexifix - one size fits all! This skirt always fits!

It is a swing skirt that has a wide elastic waistband at the top so that the skirt is worn tight (but not constricting) at the waist. The waistband can also be made invisibly wider or tighter. Whether clothing size S (36) or XL (48+), whether a salad for lunch or a cake for dessert, whether worn at the waist or also as a hip skirt, this skirt does it all!

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Nadine at the sewing machine


Sewn in our studio

All our garments are sewn by ourselves. We design our own patterns and also tailor our collections to measure, naturally taking your wishes into account.
las Vegas kollektion: carmen


Our Las Vegas Collection

In 2022, we will once again attempt to fly across the pond and present our latest collection on the catwalk at the Viva Las Vegas Festival. Pieces of our very elaborate work will then be available for purchase in limited editions.
We will keep you up to date.
nadine with fabrics


Tested by experts

We always pay special attention to the quality of our material. We choose our fabrics ourselves and also pay attention to the C02 footprint and of course fair trade.
swing skirt darkgreen


All-time Bestseller

In addition to the special collections, you will always find basics. These are beautiful swinging circle skirts that are perfect for all occasions. The best thing about them is our adjustable sizing system called FlexiFix (S-XL).


This skirt always fits!

Our FlexiFix system allows you to own a handmade skirt that always fits and that you will enjoy for a long time. The size is invisibly adjustable, nothing pinches and the circle skirt can easily take on a few extra kilos or less.
swing skirt comic


Of course also in multi coloured

We wouldn't be Miranda's Choice if we didn't use cool and unusual fabrics. We're always on the lookout for unusual patterns to bring you very special garments.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Do the skirts fit me? What is FlexiFix?

Thanks to our unique Flexifix system, the waistband is elastic and additionally adjustable with an elastic band, so the skirt fits sizes from EU 36 to 48.

How long are the skirts?

Most skirts have a length of about 60-70 cm. You can always find the length in the description.

What material are the skirts made of?

We use many cotton fabrics (mostly with Öko Tex label), but also high quality wrinkle-resistant polyester can be found in our articles. We pay attention to the material selection in addition to quality and fair trade.

The female figure in the change of seasons

Did you know that every woman's figure is different in summer and winter? Our small or large fat reserves move between the seasons. Evolutionarily, we have a little more on our hips and belly in winter, while towards summer our waist tapers a little and our fat reserves in this area become less and some even move towards the chest. Tight-fitting at the top, the swing skirt flares out towards the bottom; when you turn, the skirt stands out from the body like a plate. It ends between the knee and the calf. When choosing fabrics, we always look for high quality, Fairtrade and our ecological footprint.

Swing skirts - a short review

Long swing skirts down to the floor already existed around 1890, but in the post-war years the focus was more on garments that were less wasteful of fabric. The breakthrough of the knee-length circle skirt came with the fashion designer Christian Dior, who dedicated an entire collection to this garment in 1947, revolutionising the fashion world. Audrey Hepburn (in "A Heart and a Crown"), Grace Kelly and Sophia Loren soon appeared in swing skirts.

knee-length skirts - the perfect vintage outfit with the right accessories

With skirts, tops and complete outfits, we want to help you underline your personality in style. You can add an extra touch to your outfit with  stylish fascinators from our hair accessories collection, stylish vintage hats or fancy earrings and matching necklace. 


contact us
We love handmade & beautiful accessories!
Our customers are close to our hearts!

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You have a question about a product?
We are there for you!


Infos zu den Meinungen

Facebook Bewertung von Sandra

Sandra Facebook Empfehlung April 2020

Sehr schöne Accessoires und eine hochwertige Verarbeitung zeichnen dieses Label aus. Dazu ist die Inhaberin sehr nett und macht fast alle Wünsche wahr.

Andrea Google Bewertung Februar 2021

WUNDERVOLL! Das Sortiment wird laufend erweitert, die Kreativität der Künstlerin kennt keine Grenzen. Besonders zu empfehlen ist die Sonderanfertigung - für Hochzeiten, Auftritte oder den einzigartigen Moment: Nadine steht mit Begeisterung zur Seite, berät und erklärt und hält auf dem Laufenden und ist auch noch fix. Ganz ganz große Klasse. Und ihre Werke sprechen ja wohl für sich...

Facebook Bewertung von Elisa

Elisa Facebook Empfehlung April 2020

Super liebe Designerin die mit dem Herz bei der Sache dabei ist, es ist immer schön Leute wie sie kennen zu lernen die lieben was sie tun! Ich liebe mein Outfit welches eigentlich für Las Vegas gedacht war, uns Corona leidervallen einen strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat. Freue mich allerdings schon sehr auf meine Tops aus der neuen Kollektion. Leute helft und unterstützt die kleinen Labels gerade in solchen Zeiten sie haben es mehr als verdient!
