Circle hat, Pillbox and Boater Wollhut

Pillbox, Circle Hat & Hats made of velvet - Vintage Hat Fashion in an Elegant Retro Look

Handmade hats from Miranda's Choice captivate with their elegance, their wearing comfort and the high-quality fabrics with which the rubber base is covered. Our fabric hats include true fashion classics such as the Pillbox Hat, the velvet-covered Circle Hat from the 1940s or our pretty hats with an elegant retro look.

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Pillbox ochre yellow



With our pillbox hats we usually do without elaborate decorations, they are kept rather simple. The only decoration we use is a floral decoration on the side made of fabric flowers or a small bow. The hat is worn on the side or back of the head. It is fastened with a hair comb, and to hold it in place in wind and weather, we add a hair band that does a trick to help the hat sit even more invisibly. In the 50s and 60s, the pillbox could be seen almost daily on the covers of fashion magazines. Either as part of a fashion show or through its most famous wearer: Jackie Kennedy. The wife of the then US President John F. Kennedy was considered one of the best-dressed women in the world. The First Lady wore a medium-sized version of the hat on the back of her head.
circle hat red


Round hat made of fabric - Circle Hat

It is a round little hat, it is worn on the side or back of the head. Its rubber shape is flexible. Depending on the model, we cover the hats with different fabrics such as velvet and cotton and also decorate them with flowers from our own production.

The Circle Hat dates back to the 40s. As the name suggests, the Circle Hat is a round hat. The special name Velveteen describes the velvet-like material which, as an achievement of industrialisation at that time, was not made of cotton but of synthetic fibre.  This hat was particularly popular in England and the USA.

Frequently asked questions

How to wear a pillbox?

The pillbox hat is worn on the back of the head according to the classic model. However, it also looks good if you push it slightly into the side of your forehead.

Unfortunately I do not look good wearing hats

Maybe you just haven't found the right shape for you yet - we'll be happy to help you choose your hat.

Can the hats also be attached?

Yes, Miranda's Choice is all about comfort and that includes the right fit on the head. To the hat always belong crocodile clips on the bottom, banners, a hairband or a hair comb. How exactly your hat is attached is always exactly in the description.


You won't just find the popular pillbox hats here. In keeping with our passion for vintage fashion, we also offer a selection of big hats in vintage styleand caps (such as berets and side caps) as well as elegant straw hats and extravagant fascinators. We design all our jewellery, ourselves and stick to vintage patterns. Every piece from earrings to swing skirts is handmade with love. Discover the diversity of Miranda's Choice.


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Facebook Bewertung von Katharina

Katharina M.Facebook Empfehlung April 2020

Ein tolles Label mit Liebe zum Detail. Wer etwas besonderes sucht ist hier genau richtig.
Miranda's Choice lässt Frauenherzen höher schlagen!

Google Bewertung von Anna

AnnaGoogle Bewertung Februar 2021

Eine zauberhafte Inhaberin mit viel Liebe zum Detail, großer Leidenschaft für ihre Produkte und eine wahnsinnige Kreativität! Ich bin schon lange Kundin und freue mich immer wieder auf ihre neuen Kreationen

Facebook Bewertung von Julia

JuliaFacebook Empfehlung April 2020

Tolles kleines Label, das bisher mit seiner starken und absolut bezaubernden Besitzerin noch jede Krise gemeistert hat! Wundervolle Produkte, in denen man die Liebe zum Detail spürt und die toll verarbeitet sind. Und das alles 100% handmade in Germany. Daher meine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung hier zu kaufen und zu supporten.
