Easy Turban band


The long band is equipped with an elastic band inside, so that the size perfectly adapts to your head shape & size, the band is closed at the top with a hidden velcro fastener (so that the band can be set tighter or wider as desired). The crown has already been set up and laid in voluminous folds and sewn by hand. The folds are stable because there is a wire inside, so everything stays in place. It really couldn't be simpler.
Our customers are very impressed with our Easy Turban, which is available in many colours and patterns. Thanks to the fastener, the hairstyle remains intact. The crown always fits perfectly. The band has a perfect hold. 

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The fastest way to tie a turban

velvet Turban Easy Turban made of velvet
The long band is equipped with an elastic band inside, so that the size perfectly adapts to your head shape & size, the band is closed at the top with a hidden velcro fastener (so that the band can be set tighter or wider as desired). The crown has already been set up and laid in voluminous folds and sewn by hand. The folds are stable because there is a wire inside, so everything stays in place. It really couldn't be simpler.
Our customers are very impressed with our Easy Turban, which is available in many colours and patterns. Thanks to the fastener, the hairstyle remains intact. The crown always fits perfectly. The band has a perfect hold. 
turban pink Easy Turban in pink

Frequently asked questions

How does the Easy Turban work?

Very simple - completely easy: put the ribbon around the head, put the ends with the velcro sides on each other - ready. The crown is already pre-tied and fixed with a few sewing stitches.

Can I wash the turban?

Yes, with a little mild detergent, lukewarm water and hand wash. Carefully wring out and put directly afterwards to dry on a clothes horse.

I am looking for a turban in the color XY

Fortunately, our fabric warehouse houses many colors from A like azure blue to Z like lemon yellow. Just write us your color request to info(at)mirandas-choice.de

The turban is more than a simple headscarf

Under a traditional turban, the hair disappears, the ears are almost completely covered and only the face is still visible. This look is bold because nothing distracts from the face and the focus is entirely on the face. Women in turbans always exude a sense of mystery, as you don't know what's underneath. This is probably why the turban is also the clichéd headgear of fortune tellers. The turbans by Miranda's Choice loosen up the strict appearance somewhat, because the back of the head is exposed, the band still leaves enough room for hairstyles, but the exotic and mysterious impression remains.
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Infos zu den Meinungen

Facebook Bewertung von Katharina

Katharina M.Facebook Empfehlung April 2020

Ein tolles Label mit Liebe zum Detail. Wer etwas besonderes sucht ist hier genau richtig.
Miranda's Choice lässt Frauenherzen höher schlagen!

Google Bewertung von Anna

AnnaGoogle Bewertung Februar 2021

Eine zauberhafte Inhaberin mit viel Liebe zum Detail, großer Leidenschaft für ihre Produkte und eine wahnsinnige Kreativität! Ich bin schon lange Kundin und freue mich immer wieder auf ihre neuen Kreationen

Facebook Bewertung von Julia

JuliaFacebook Empfehlung April 2020

Tolles kleines Label, das bisher mit seiner starken und absolut bezaubernden Besitzerin noch jede Krise gemeistert hat! Wundervolle Produkte, in denen man die Liebe zum Detail spürt und die toll verarbeitet sind. Und das alles 100% handmade in Germany. Daher meine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung hier zu kaufen und zu supporten.
