Side Cap in army style

Side cap - cap in classic Army & Navy style

Whether soldier, sailor or stewardess - shuttle originally also belong to the uniform fashion. Today, the caps belong to the classic retro outfit like cherries to the Rockabella and are, along with berets, among the most popular vintage caps. In the 40s, the side cap was not only part of everyday life for soldiers - more and more women also boldly put the shuttle on their hairstyle. The narrow shape leaves enough space for artfully coiffed quiffs and Victory Rolls.

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side cap army style olive green


The side cap originally comes from uniform fashion and was worn by soldiers in particular. Today it is often part of the workwear of many flight attendants. Our shuttles are designed and made by ourselves. They combine the strict army cap with the cut of a baker's shuttle. We offer the small caps in different colours (also with dots) and small decorative elements on the sides like star studs or decorative buttons. Especially for maritime style, the little ships are great to combine confidently.

Frequently asked questions

Are the side cap also available in other colors?

Feel free to send us an email ( with your color request, I'm sure we can accommodate it.

Where do I wear the side cap?

Depending on your hairstyle/head shape, you can wear it in the middle, on the back of your head or on the side. You can flip it up or make it tapered as well.

How does the side cap hold on the head?

Inside there are two clips that you can fix invisibly in the hair.
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