Dots red white - Hairband with wire - Polka dots red on white
Cute hairband in a rockabilly-style hairband that is also easy to use: Put it on, twist it in, done!
The pattern with the dead dots looks summery and a little playful and is perfect for any rockabella!!
This hair band is a practical companion, not only for Bad Hairday. Put it on in the classic way at the back of the head and twist the ends together once in the middle or on the side of the head. You can wear it wide or fold it once in the middle. In any case, the wire guarantees a firm hold on the head without the need for further hair clips. Some people feel like Widow Bolte* at first, but that's how hairbands were worn in the 50s. You can also play with the look: wear it over your hair and you look like a hippie, push the knot back and it becomes a hairband, put it on your forehead and you become Rambo (only partly recommended).
Material: 100% cotton, coated wire Size: 8 x 80 cm
Product data & safety & made in
Deutsch: Produktdaten & Sicherheit:
Produktbeschreibung: Haarband mit Draht, rote Punkte auf Weiß
Produktidentifikation: siehe Überschrift
Material: 100% Baumwolle, Draht (Nickel, Kunststoff beschichtet)
Größe: 8x80cm
Sicherheit: Es können Haare ausgerissen werden. Es kann zu Haarbruch kommen. Allergische Reaktionen können wegen Metall- oder Stoffunverträglichkeit auftreten. Strangulationsgefahr.
Hergestellt in Deutschland.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Englisch: Product Data & Safety:
Product Description: Hairband with wire, red dots on white
Product Identification: see header
Material: 100% cotton, wire (nickel, plastic coated)
Size: 8x80cm
Safety: Hair may be pulled out. Hair breakage may occur. Allergic reactions may occur due to metal or fabric intolerance. Risk of strangulation.
Made in Germany.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Niederländisch: Productgegevens & Veiligheid:
Productbeschrijving: Haarband met draad, rode stippen op wit
Productidentificatie: zie kop
Materiaal: 100% katoen, draad (nikkel, kunststof gecoat)
Grootte: 8x80cm
Veiligheid: Haar kan worden uitgetrokken. Haarbreuk kan optreden. Allergische reacties kunnen optreden door metaal- of stofintolerantie. Strangulatiegevaar.
Gemaakt in Duitsland.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Französisch: Données produit & sécurité :
Description du produit : Bandeau avec fil, pois rouges sur blanc
Identification du produit : voir en-tête
Matériau : 100 % coton, fil (nickel, revêtu de plastique)
Taille : 8x80cm
Sécurité : Les cheveux peuvent être arrachés. Des cassures de cheveux peuvent survenir. Des réactions allergiques peuvent se produire en raison d'une intolérance au métal ou au tissu. Risque d'étranglement.
Fabriqué en Allemagne.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Belgisch (Niederländisch): Productgegevens & Veiligheid:
Productbeschrijving: Haarband met draad, rode stippen op wit
Productidentificatie: zie kop
Materiaal: 100% katoen, draad (nikkel, kunststof gecoat)
Grootte: 8x80cm
Veiligheid: Haar kan worden uitgetrokken. Haarbreuk kan optreden. Allergische reacties kunnen optreden door metaal- of stofintolerantie. Strangulatiegevaar.
Gemaakt in Duitsland.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Finnisch: Tuotetiedot & turvallisuus:
Tuotekuvaus: Hiuspanta, jossa on rautaa, punaisia pisteitä valkoisella
Tuotetunnistus: katso otsikko
Materiaali: 100 % puuvillaa, rautaa (nikkeli, muovipinnoitettu)
Koko: 8x80cm
Turvallisuus: Hiuksia voi irrota. Hiusten katkeamista voi tapahtua. Allergisia reaktioita voi esiintyä metallin tai kankaan intoleranssin vuoksi. Kuristumisvaara.
Valmistettu Saksassa.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Ungarisch: Termékadatok és biztonság:
Termékleírás: Hajpánt dróttal, piros pöttyök fehér alapon
Termékazonosítás: lásd a címet
Anyag: 100% pamut, drót (nikkel, műanyag bevonatú)
Méret: 8x80cm
Biztonság: A haj kihúzódhat. Hajtörés előfordulhat. Allergiás reakciók léphetnek fel fém- vagy szövetérzékenység miatt. Fulladásveszély.
Németországban készült.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Kroatisch: Podaci o proizvodu i sigurnost:
Opis proizvoda: Traka za kosu s žicom, crvene točke na bijeloj pozadini
Identifikacija proizvoda: vidi naslov
Materijal: 100% pamuk, žica (nikal, plastično obložen)
Veličina: 8x80cm
Sigurnost: Mogu se povući kosa. Može doći do lomljenja kose. Alergijske reakcije mogu se javiti zbog netolerancije na metal ili tkaninu. Opasnost od gušenja.
Proizvedeno u Njemačkoj.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Rumänisch: Date despre produs & siguranță:
Descrierea produsului: Bandă de păr cu fir, puncte roșii pe alb
Identificarea produsului: vezi titlul
Material: 100% bumbac, fir (nichel, acoperit cu plastic)
Dimensiune: 8x80cm
Siguranță: Părul poate fi smuls. Poate apărea ruperea părului. Reacții alergice pot apărea din cauza intoleranței la metal sau țesătură. Pericol de strangulare.
Fabricat în Germania.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Tschechisch: Údaje o produktu a bezpečnost:
Popis produktu: Čelenka s drátem, červené tečky na bílé
Identifikace produktu: viz. nadpis
Materiál: 100% bavlna, drát (nikl, plastový potah)
Velikost: 8x80cm
Bezpečnost: Vlasy mohou být vytrženy. Může dojít k lámání vlasů. Alergické reakce se mohou objevit kvůli intoleranci na kov nebo látku. Riziko uškrcení.
Vyrobeno v Německu.
Nadine Schmitz
Miranda’s Choice
Hagenstraße 14
D-48301 Nottuln
Vintage Design
Perfect fit
Fast shipping
Loving handmade from Germany
Perfect fit
Fast shipping
Frequently asked questions
This does not work for me
This sentence I hear unfortunately very often, it is important that you tie our turban hairbands correctly. Make sure you don't knot it, just twist it in at the top. Some people have a very flat back of the head, here it can help not to pull the band so tight. An included tutorial will help you to quickly get the hang of it.
And the wire does not break either?
For more than 8 years we have the hairbands now in the program, a wire has m.W. never gone in two. You just twist the wire a little and do not bend it wantonly back and forth for a long time.
Can I wash my hair band?
Yes. Please wash it lukewarm with some mild detergent by hand, wring it out gently and just hang it to dry right after washing.
Grandioser Service. Sonderanfertigungen möglich und schnelle Lieferung - immer wieder gerne!
PaulaGoogle Bewertung Februar 2021
Super toller Kundenservice. Und die Qualität der Produkte ist toll. Ich bestelle auf jeden Fall wieder.
RoseGoogle Bewertung Januar 2022
I’m fully in love with Nadine’s business, she creates such wonderful pieces, the designs are always unique and made with so much love! I’m crazy about each fascinator that I bought by her and recommend her warmly !
Miranda's Choice stands since 2008 for lovingly handmade products in vintage style.
The name "Miranda's Choice" is our homage to the great Carmen Miranda, who became famous mainly for her eye-catching headdress.
Behind the name, hats, jewelry and everything else is me - Nadine.
I love the fashion of the early 50's, even more I love to create new pieces based on the wonderful designs of the early times..
The love in the production goes into every product.
Small things and a big WOW!
My customers are as close to my heart as my passion!
If you have questions about the products or the order, I am happy to support you!